In the vibrant world of Block City Wars, there is a game mode designed for players seeking open-world exploration, high replayability, and straightforward gameplay.
In Free Play mode, players have the opportunity to earn rewards for both exploring the world and engaging in thrilling battles against other players.
Respect Tokens
Throughout the map, you'll find Respect Tokens scattered in random locations. These Tokens are your key to earning respect within the game. Each district has a number of Tokens, which can vary in size, from small to large Tokens. The size of the Token affects the amount of Respect Points you earn when you collect it.
Respect Tokens aren't displayed on the map but emit a bright glow, making them visible from a distance. Players can pick up a Token by passing through it on foot or driving over it in a vehicle. Tokens are unique to each player and are only visible to the player who can collect them.
Control Zones
Control Zones are vital points of interest in Free Play mode. These zones randomly appear in predetermined locations across the map, with no more than one zone per district. Respect tokens are only granted if there are 5 concurrent players in the Control Zone. Control Zones are visually represented on the map and are easy to spot.
The location of Control Zones changes periodically during the round. This dynamic feature keeps the gameplay competitive and encourages players to explore and adapt.
Respect Points and Combat
Respect Points aren't just earned through exploration; you can also accumulate them by defeating other players and destroying their vehicles. The more Respect Points an opponent has, the more you'll gain from their defeat. To help you gauge your competition, players with higher Respect Points are visually marked with brighter icons on the map, while your own icon remains yellow.
Respect and Player Interaction
In Free Play mode, players are constantly battling for Respect Points, either by collecting Tokens or engaging in combat. When a player's defeated, they lose a portion of their Respect Points, with higher-ranking players losing more. This system encourages thoughtful and strategic gameplay and places greater significance on your equipment and vehicles.