In the world of Block City Wars, players are granted an opportunity to express their individuality through the customization of their character's appearance. The character customization system offers a wide range of options, allowing each player to create a unique hero that reflects their style and preferences.
Choosing Body Type, Face Shape, and Hairstyle
From the very beginning of the game, during the character creation stage, players can choose the body type, face shape, hairstyle, hair color, and skin color. This enables each player to craft a personalized look that mirrors their unique style and taste.
However, the creative freedom does not end with the character creation stage. In the course of the game, players can at any time modify the appearance of their character through a special tab in the Armory. This provides an opportunity for the evolution of the character's appearance alongside the character's development and changing player preferences.
Style Points: New Currency for Enhancements
When modifying appearance in the arsenal, players will use Style Points — a special in-game currency. This currency can be earned as a reward for various in-game activities or by watching advertisements. This opens up new possibilities for those seeking to further embellish their characters.
Unique Avatars and Accessories
The game also features unique avatars — distinct models that replace the standard character appearance. They can be purchased with in-game currency and give the character a unique look. However, it's important to note that when using such avatars, settings such as skin and hair color don't apply.